Southroyd Primary School

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Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. Learning
  2. The Southroyd Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Subjects
  4. Computing

For a more detailed breakdown, click on our Computing Progression to find out exactly what your child will be learning this year.


At Southroyd we aim to prepare children for life and therefore want to both immerse children in the exciting possibilities of the ever changing technological world, giving them the key transferable skills for their future. At the same time we  prepare them to stay safe and aware of the associated risks and challenges.

The national curriculum for computing has four main aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Can understand and apply the principles of computer science, including logic, algorithms and data representation. 
  • Can analyse problems, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. 
  • Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems. 
  • Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

To be able to access ICT in a safe and healthy environment


  • Computing is concerned with how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed.

  • Pupils studying computing will gain an understanding of computational systems of all kinds, whether or not they include computers.

  • Computing is essential to prepare our children for the modern world. This incorporates a need to develop “Computational Thinking” which can support learning in other areas of the curriculum and beyond to the work place of the future.




 Children in Y3 learn how to blog, thinking about appropriate and respectful use of social media to share their ideas.

Children in Y3 think about how data is stored to build and explore their own databases about rainforests.

A key part of learning is internet safety, with the children exploring many of the pitfalls and risks of the online world.

Children in Y6 used iMovie and Garageband to combine video and their own soundtrack to make a promotional video for the Spirit Alive sports' days.


  • The Southroyd Computing curriculum for the EYFS is play-based, using unplugged (no computer) activities that focus on building children’s listening skills, curiosity and creativity and problem solving. 

    Technology in the Early Years can mean: 

    • taking a photograph with a camera or tablet
    • searching for information on the internet
    • playing games on the interactive whiteboard
    • exploring an old typewriter or other mechanical toys
    • using a Beebot
    • watching a video clip
    • listening to music

    Allowing children the opportunity to explore technology in a child-led way, means that not only will they develop a familiarity with equipment and vocabulary but they will have a strong start in Key Stage 1 Computing and all that it demands.

  •  Our carefully structured computing progression builds on the original subject, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) ICT provides a means of enhancing and enriching the learning experience of children and can strengthen and support traditional forms of teaching and learning and extend the range of educational opportunities for children.

  • Our children fed back that they really enjoy using ICT equipment outdoors and wanted to use iPads in school. The school now has a set of iPads and aims to maximise the use of computer peripherals in and out of the school.l

  •  In Southroyd we will approach the skills of computing by beginning with writing our own algorithms to explain perhaps how to make a sandwich, or navigate through the classroom. With simple concepts of sequencing, children are then able to explore "algorithms" using control models (beebots, turtles, screen models)  At school we then aim to use software like Scratch or Kodu to develop skills and more purposeful use of coding to achieve set tasks, like simple simulation or game making.                                                                


Children use STEM resources in Year 5 to explore the link between sensors, monitoring and control. Here they all build LEGO models and develop algorithms on the iPads.

Children use surveys and forms to create quizzes and questionnaires - exploring the advantages and challenges of using technology to collect information.

Children use Crumble Kit to explore the use of sensor in control systems. Here Jessica programmed the dual motor system to complete a square route!

Year 5 complete their Space projects by using stop frame animation to create some space scene film clips.

Where possible the learning can continue at home. Here the children premade their animation models at home, before using iStopMotion to build their animations in school. 

The STEM Club are a chance to provide extra curricular opportunities for children to get excited about coding and robotics!

We have developed our school intranet (Southroyd Learning Zone) so that children can learn how to use blogs, forums, surveys and share their own data on the internet. These skills are vital for children growing in the digital world.

We encourage discussion and debate about the exciting world of technology and particularly how our children can be successful but safe users of the opportunities offered by the internet.

We hold annual reviews of internet safety, alongside curriculum focus on safe practice to ensure that we respond to the fast moving world of technology. We ensure that our children are also able to respond effectively to changing times and regularly survey and consult our children to find out about their latest habits and experiences.

Computing is a popular and exciting subject and we want our children to share safely in the incredible opportunities which it presents. As a result, we encourage children to explore additional opportunities which technology can apply. e.g

1) During the solar eclipse school borrowed a telescope with an optical filter, enabling viewing of the sun. 2) The school has recently bought a night vision camera with sensor, to find out if there really is a large fox on the school grounds at night! 3) Robbi the Nau Robot is a regular visitor to school to share the exciting insights into robotics and Artificial Intelligence.


At Southroyd we want our children to be able to access the rich and varied opportunities which technology can offer - but we also want our children to be able to risk assess and manage their own safety as they move beyond primary school and the wider world of technology.

From January 2020 the Computing curriculum overlaps with the RSE Policy

Rationale for Computing in RSE

  • Put in place the building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships online
  • Apply principles of positive relationships online
  • The same principles should apply to online relationships as to face-to-face relationships



Y1 are learning the rudiments of coding, using Beebots but also simple online coding challenges to build their understanding of how they can develop code to achieve certain goals.

Y4 use iMovie to develop a film trailer about their class book. This leads to children making their own movies later in school.

Y5 use stop frame animation to capture short films relating to their space topics.

Children develop a knowledge about coding using routines, flow charts and block programs.

By the end of Y6 they can create their own games developing scoring and timing systems, using Scratch code.

Year 6 create movies to promote their sports event Spirit Alive.