Southroyd Primary School

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Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 8AT

0113 3783 020

Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. Day by Day
  2. Well Being
  3. Travel to School


Travel to School


At Southroyd we talk a lot about the value of walking or cycling to school and leaving the car at home, if at all possible.


We take part in Walk and Cycle to School Week each year and think about the benefits both to our health and to the environment for leaving our cars at home.


Our Walking Strategy is important to our children, with classes taking opportunities to walk around the local community to learn more about where we live, as well as make use of the opportunities available to us locally.





Click on this link to download the full document shown


Our school council recently discussed idling and traffic fumes.

Watch this space for more ideas about traffic management around school.