Southroyd Primary School

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Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 8AT

0113 3783 020

Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. Day by Day
  2. Well Being
  3. Daily Mile

Daily Mile


"At first I felt tired – I kind of wanted to do it, but kind of didn’t"


"I liked getting my heart pumping and it made me feel awake for the rest of the day"


"At first, I didn’t like it because I got out of breath. Now I hardly get out of breath at all."


"I enjoy it more because it has made me fitter and I understand why we do it."

"I have gone from completing 3 laps in the time, to 7 laps. If we do it in the afternoon, it helps me concentrate more."






Congratulations Southroyd Primary school have won my Daily Mile competition,

Thank you so much for taking the time to send in your Daily Mile Story and document, it was inspiring to read about the fantastic work you do! Especially the supporting doc, this entry was one of my top stories really enjoyed reading about the overall impact in your school in terms of concentration in classes and relating to maths lessons!

 You have won one of five outdoor portable speakers for you school so now your children can enjoy the daily mile whilst singing and dancing along to some music.

 Please get in contact so that we can arrange to deliver your prize! I really hope that this will increase the positive experience your children have within physical activity.

 Thanks,  Shania Boom

Development Officer (The Daily Mile™ Local Coordinator)

The Daily Mile is an opportunity each day for our children to raise their heart rates and take part in class based activity. Each class will walk, jog or run around the heartline around the playground. It may be a great opportunity for quiet, a nice opportunity for a chat or a perfect time for children to discuss a question related to their learning.

The 15 or so minutes, dedicated by each class contributes to the model of 30:30 in school. It is helping children to understand why it is important to stay fit and healthy in the modern world, as well as helping them to experience first hand the benefits of doing so, which will embed life long habits, helping them to live longer and happier lives! Since we began in September, our Year 6 for example noted the impact on their year group's stamina in a separate local walk.

In the event of really poor weather, our classes make use of online shared activities instead, whether it is GoNoodle of 5aDay to raise their activity levels, but we encourage our classes to get their coats on and get outside whenever they can!