Southroyd Primary School

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Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 8AT

0113 3783 020

Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. School Information
  2. Special Educational Needs
  3. FAQ



What do I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?    

Firstly, speak to your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress and/or any barriers to learning. If further support is needed, the teacher will liaise with the SENCo in school. You can also arrange a meeting with the SENCo to discuss the next steps.


How will school support my child?

Every child is different, so the level or types of support given will be dependent upon the individual child’s needs. As well as identifying children to access small group interventions and booster groups, the class teacher will adapt their own class practises to accommodate the child initially, before seeking advice and support from the SENCo and/or Head teacher. Wave 1 support looks at what adaptations we can make to support the child in class. Wave 2 support looks at more targeted support. 


If necessary, an Individual Provision Map will be created by the class teacher in liaison with the SENCo to give your child individualised targets to work on or support required. These targets will be reviewed and updated regularly as per the graduated approach. (Assess, plan, do, review). If a child requires significant support to access the mainstream curriculum, school may apply for extra funding for adaptations to the building, curriculum and staffing, as necessary.


How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Again, as the needs of each child are so varied, support will be given as appropriate to the child’s needs. This may come in the form of one of the following:

  • an individualised provision map; 
  • a behaviour or 'Reward' chart, Action plan, Positive Handling Plan;
  • differentiation of work within class;
  • small group intervention or booster groups for Core subjects (English and Maths);
  • use of specific resources or adaptations to the equipment used;
  • support from teaching assistants within class;
  • extra, personalised support from staff (1:1).


When is support given?

Support is given in class time, alongside normal teaching. We occasionally take children out of class to access interventions or support from an external practitioner.

How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?

Each year, we hold two Parent’s Evening for all families in school. You can arrange to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress at these meetings. You can also arrange to meet with the SENCo on these evenings, if you wish to discuss your child’s needs and/or provision.
As well as this, teachers are always willing to meet parents/carers at other times throughout the year. We also have 3 additional parent/carer meetings for children who have been identified as needing extra support in order to meet their end of year targets. These are usually held within a fortnight of the wen of each term. As parents, your views will be sought on how your child is doing and what extra support they might need.

Children with a Statement of Special Education Needs or Education Health and Care Plan will also have a formal Annual Review, wherein all parties working with the child (including parents/carers) will be invited to attend and to discuss the child’s progress and on-going needs.


What is SEND what does it cover?

SEND covers the full range of emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties. This might display as problems with reading, writing, communication, social interaction, concentration, or focus, among other things. Not making progress with an area of learning is also a potential sign of underlying SEN. We have processes and resources in place to support children with a full range of needs.


What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

As well as the general expertise of school staff, our SENCo and pastoral staff are trained to work with children who have specific Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties. The SENCo is also trained to level 3 standard in Autism, (highest level). 


We are also able to call upon a wide range of external services to gain advice and support for individuals or groups of children within school. These services include (and are not exclusive to):

  • A Speech and Language Therapist;
  • Educational Psychologist;
  • SENIT– Special Educational Needs Support/Inclusion Team (specialist teachers and behaviour support);
  • Occupational Therapist;
  • Cluster counselling (Play Therapy, general counselling);
  • Local Inclusion Leader (LIL) – behaviour support for our cluster of schools;
  • STARS – specialist Autism service;
  • Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team (DAHIT);
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS);
  • Down Syndrome Training & Support Service.

What training are the staff supporting children with SEN having/had?

In addition to the aforementioned training, all staff in school have had general training and awareness-raising sessions in specific areas of SEN as part of their Continuous Professional Development (CPD). This can take place during staff training (INSET) days and in weekly staff meetings. Several staff, have been trained in Team Teach – a positive handling course, in order to effectively, and safely, manage any difficult situations with children within school.


How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

All children are given the opportunities to partake in extra-curricular activities and trips. Every effort will be made to ensure that children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are supported by whatever means necessary to join in and enjoy these activities. The school ensures we sign up to all SEND friendly sporting activities across the city.


How are the school resources allocated and matched to children’s SEN?

The school is funded on a national formula per pupil. All schools are expected to find the first £6,000 from within the school’s budget to support children and young people with SEN who are on the school’s Inclusion/SEN register. The school can apply for a ‘top-up’, based on strict criteria, if it is felt that a child’s needs are above that which can be provided through the £6,000. The school uses the funds to put appropriate support in place to meet the specific needs of a child. The look of this support will depend upon the child’s individual needs.


How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

Initially, each class teacher is responsible for providing in-class support for the pupils in their class. (As per the SEN Code of Practise). If further support is required, the teacher will liaise with the SENCo and Head teacher during Pupil Progress Meetings (where each child’s progress is tracked and monitored). The SENCo and/or Pastoral Team will be responsible (under the Head teacher’s guidance) for seeking external support for children, if required.


What is an EHCP?

An Education Health Care Plan is a detailed, document outlining a child’s special educational, health, and social care needs and the provision they require, issued by the local authority. EHCPs are for those children with complex needs who require support beyond that which the school can usually provide without additional funding and support from the local authority.