At Southroyd we subscribe to Mathletics - this is a really useful tool for home learning, enabling children to consolidate their learning in maths.
Teachers can link activities related to their class based learning, so that these are indicated to a child when they logon to Mathletics.
The teacher can keep a record of the children's responses and track the activity of the children. In some classes the Mathletics is a weekly requirement for homework, in others it is used to re-enforce aspects of the school based learning.
When not following class activities, the children are able to explore wider contexts in maths - including the option to test themselves against other Mathletics users around the globe.
Using Mathletics on Tablets
On Android and Apple tablets, you can download the mathletics App from appstores to gain quicker and easier access to Mathletics resources.
Using Mathletics on Laptops/Windows
If you find that some of the functions of Mathletics aren't working on your Windows computer, you may just need to check that flash files are enabled.
There is some guidance online to support you with your own particular computer systems.
Common Problems
We are aware that on some platforms, the Mathletics activities are not appearing for users as directed by the teachers. In this case (sometimes occurring on windows tablets) we would advise trying to download the app (see left) or ensuring that flash files are enabled on the tablet.