Southroyd Primary School

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Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 8AT

0113 3783 020

Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. School Information
  2. Special Educational Needs
  3. Provision Maps

Provision Maps

Children who have been recognised as having a Special Educational Need or disability, will be placed on the SEND register in school. Your child's class teacher will work alongside the SENCo and other staff in school to prepare a provision map for your child, if this is felt appropriate. The first part of the provision map focuses on the strengths and needs. Hyperlinks will be added into the needs section to attach any reports from any external professionals.



The next section looks at the different provision needed for the child. Universal provision is about making learning in the classroom as accessible as possible for the child. Personalised is about extra provision needed for the child. This is informed by the needs of the child. Finally targeted provision is specialist external advise. Any EHCPs will be attached in this area.